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AEG Powertools operates in construction, infrastructure, education, home improvement, repair, maintenance and landscaping industries, servicing professional tradespeople and DIY users.
AEG is committed to accelerating the transformation of these industries through superior and affordable cordless technology.
AEG Powertools operates in construction, infrastructure, education, home improvement, repair, maintenance and landscaping industries, servicing professional tradespeople and DIY users.
AEG is committed to accelerating the transformation of these industries through superior and affordable cordless technology.
Many of AEG’s innovative products are developed to local conditions through our team of dedicated product managers based in our Melbourne headquarters, and trialled by independent, qualified tradespeople on Australian and New Zealand jobsites.
Our innovative range includes tools like our 18V Rivet Gun (5 x faster than manual riveting), our Stealth Blower that’s 5 X quieter than the previous model and 18V Secateurs with a <1 sec cycle time.
Our heavy-duty 18V FUSION Brushless tools and FORCE HD batteries lead the way in portable power and performance. When used together, expect a 25% power increase through ‘Smart Sync’ – a proprietary technology of clever electronics, coupled with quality components and advanced manufacturing.
AEG has your back. All our cordless power tools are covered by a trade-leading 6-year warranty* and 3 years for batteries.
*Tools must be registered online within 30 days of purchase